Friday, February 25, 2011

~Seed Starter Kit 101~

It's that time of year friends, time to get your seeds sprouting for your spring planting. It's really fun, simple, and will only cost you about $12 to get your plants here and ready to go in the ground.
What you will need:
(I purchased everything at our dollar store)
Seed Starter Kit $4
Starter Soil 4 quarts $3
Watering pitcher $1
Seeds 3/$1
(From Home)
Large Bowl
Start out with 2 quarts of soil and moisten completely in your large bowl with LUKE warm water, mixing with your fork.
Add moistened soil to each starter cup 2" full.
Using your pencil, make a hole in the middle of the soil to add the seeds.
Add your seeds to the hole.
Using your pre-moistened soil and a fork, add a small amount of soil to the top of your seeds to cover. For example, about the amount of the size of your thumb. Please note; adding to much soil over seeds will suffocate your seeds and they will not grow.
Water your new covered seeds very lightly with LUKE warm water.
DO NOT over water your seeds here, your soil is already moist. You may even find skipping this step is helpful until the following day.
Find a safe place to store your kit inside and make sure to check the moisture of your dirt. Add LUKE warm water to your cups when needed.
Once your seedlings are big enough, simply transplant in your prepared garden.
If you wish to fertilize your starter seedlings, you may do so with a water based fertilizer and do this every other day!
*Happy Gardening*

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

~Gift Bags at Work~

Ever needed a cabinet liner and didn't have some available?!? Well here is a great idea for those Gift bags.

Line your cabinet(s) with them and the tissue paper works great too. You can cut the bag to size and you got yourself a liner. :)

~Ballerina Slippers~

I hook
4ply yarn
Ch2 (leave 12" tail for sewing toe)

1.) 6 sc in 2nd ch. (6sc)
*turn (do not chain)
2.) 2 sc in ea st across (12sc)
*turn (do not chain)
3.) 1 sc in first sc, *2 sc in next, 1 sc in next.* Repeat from * across (18 sc)
*turn (do not chain)
4.) Sc in ea st across (18 sc)
*Repeat row (4) till you reach the desired length of slipper.
~ I use this chart for size info~
Once piece is the length you desire, ch 1 and 2sc in the upper side st and continue with 1 sc across to where you want the toe to end.
*The toe is stitched by "whip stitching with the start length of yarn down to where you want your toe to stop.*
Continue with sc around slipper till you've reached the end. 2 sc in the end stitch and fasten off leaving a long piece of yarn for whip stitching the heal.
* If you are making an adult slipper, you can sc around the slipper again or as many times as you desire to create a "Hi-Top" slipper.
* Add a bow to the toe by cutting ribbon and weaving in evenly, securely tie bow.
*To add the elastic strap, cut the length desired and sew with needle and thread on the insides of the slipper and secure.
***Happy Crocheting***