Tuesday, February 22, 2011

~Ballerina Slippers~

I hook
4ply yarn
Ch2 (leave 12" tail for sewing toe)

1.) 6 sc in 2nd ch. (6sc)
*turn (do not chain)
2.) 2 sc in ea st across (12sc)
*turn (do not chain)
3.) 1 sc in first sc, *2 sc in next, 1 sc in next.* Repeat from * across (18 sc)
*turn (do not chain)
4.) Sc in ea st across (18 sc)
*Repeat row (4) till you reach the desired length of slipper.
~ I use this chart for size info~
Once piece is the length you desire, ch 1 and 2sc in the upper side st and continue with 1 sc across to where you want the toe to end.
*The toe is stitched by "whip stitching with the start length of yarn down to where you want your toe to stop.*
Continue with sc around slipper till you've reached the end. 2 sc in the end stitch and fasten off leaving a long piece of yarn for whip stitching the heal.
* If you are making an adult slipper, you can sc around the slipper again or as many times as you desire to create a "Hi-Top" slipper.
* Add a bow to the toe by cutting ribbon and weaving in evenly, securely tie bow.
*To add the elastic strap, cut the length desired and sew with needle and thread on the insides of the slipper and secure.
***Happy Crocheting***

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